This blog entry has nothing to do with basketball but I felt the need to write this blog. The blog is my reaction to this video:
At first I found this amazingly funny. I could not stop laughing at what this kid said and the way the reporter reacted after he answered her question. "I Like Turtles" was his response to her question and I found it really funny. And then after watching the video over and over I started to get aggravated. I was really pissed off at how dumb this kid was. If you look closely it looks like he smirks so maybe he was just being a wise guy bit I doubt it. He's from Portland and it looks like he was born and raised in a trailer. I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I understand that he is a little kid and maybe he was nervous but that makes no excuse to say "I like turtles." First off she asked about his face paint and he said he likes turtles. What the heck???? Honestly how dumb can a kid be. I'm gonna guess that maybe he's 5-8 years old. When I was that age I was able to understand what people were asking me and I was able to give a normal human-being response to them. Also, when I was that age I was able to pronounce the word "Turtle." If that was my kid I would've disowned him for embarrassing himself as well as me. Did you see the way the reporter reacted? She had no idea what to say. She was probably thinking, "Wow, what a stupid kid, we couldn't interview a kid who knew how to speak and knew how to respond like a normal person? This is horrible. If this was my kid I'd kill myself. Wow I feel bad for his parents"
This video shows the importance of going to school. I believe that kids should start going to school at the age of 2 so that this doesn't happen again. If I see another video of a kid who doesn't know how to get interviewed I am going to be very mad. I felt the need to vent. Thank you for listening.